Sample itinerary by 6 days & 5 nights 1,080.oo usd per person

Occupying an area of more than 30,000 Km2, with a population of about 2,800 individuals, surrounded by the YASUNI National Park, the largest protected park in Ecuador, declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1979, inhabited by the "Huaorani" - "Huaorani" or "People", called "Aucas" by civilization, as well as the "Tagaeri" - "Taromenane" or "Pata Colorada".

The latter are one of the few indigenous cultures or tribes not yet contacted by civilizations and that currently in Ecuador constitute and form part of its intangible cultural heritage, with the protection, care and respect of all neighboring societies.

The Huaorani currently inhabit what are now the provinces of Napo, Pastaza and Orellana. Although the first Huaorani were nomadic, they have been forced to establish their boundaries within the Yasuni National Park and its intangible zone.


Between the Napo River to the north, and the Curaray River to the south, along the Yasuní, Shiripuno, Cononaco and smaller tributaries, in an area of 678,220 hectares, part of the Huaorani territory. The Huaorani or Huaorani are an Amerindian* people living in the northwestern Ecuadorian Amazon. They defended their territory from colonization and other indigenous cultures, and were persecuted by oil exploitation in the last century.

Called "aucas" because of the mestizaje (white people), they speak the "wao terero" which is a unique language. There are communities such as the Tagaeri and Taromenanes that live in voluntary isolation, rejecting all contact with humanity, always moving continuously in untouchable areas. They live exclusively on what nature provides them, feeding themselves by hunting and fishing, cultivating cassava and plantains, they are expert hunters, they make their spears and blowguns, as well as a neurotoxic called "curare" for the use of their darts.

Today, they struggle to survive in the face of oil and timber exploitation, especially due to the contamination and loss of their territories, as this brings with it the invasion of colonizers.

In the Bameno Community, on the banks of the Cononaco River, the Huaorani are fully convinced that well-managed tourism will help them to solve, in part, the current problems, living in their "ome" jungle, as they call it, free from any attack on their culture and territory, preserving their millenary customs and traditions, cultivating the purest contact with Mother Nature.


Day 01. - Arrival to the city of Francisco de Orellana (Coca), transfer in private transport to Shiripuno port (2 hours trip from the city of El Coca), then we will take the motor boats and we will navigate between 4 and 5 hours, until we arrive to the Gawa Clan (Gemeneweno). We will serve a box lunch on the way. In the afternoon short walk in the jungle. Dinner and rest.

Day 02. - Breakfast at 06:30 am, then we will navigate the Shiripuno River and later on the Cononaco River where we will admire the local flora and fauna (monkeys, caimans, parrots, etc.), lunch on the way. Arrival to the Huaorani community of Bameno and in the afternoon we will enjoy a cultural interaction in the jungle with the Huaorani. Dinner and rest.

Day 03. - Breakfast. Walk in the jungle, we will visit a parrot lick, to observe different species of parrots, parakeets and macaws, the lick is made of clay which is essential in their diet. Lunch. In the afternoon we will return to the village of Bameno, where we will share with legendary Huaorani warriors their feats and customs. Dinner and rest.

Day 04. - Cultural interaction in the forest with the Huaorani warriors, day of hunting, making weapons and food (cotton thread), traditional herbal medicine. Night fishing and boat rides to observe caimans, nocturnal birds, mammals, etc.

Day 05. - Short hike in the forest observation. Cultural interaction with the Huaorani people. Return by the Cononaco River to Coca, we will arrive to Gemeneweno in the Gawa Clan where we will camp. Cultural interaction with a Huaorani family.

Day 06. - Departure from Clan Karue to the city of El Coca, arriving in the afternoon.

  • We guarantee the operation with a minimum of 2 passengers registered.
  • Consult dates and rates for groups.
  • Programs start and end in the city of El Coca.

During the navigations through the rivers and tours inside the forest, you will learn about the traditions and culture of this fascinating ethnic group, their way of life, the secrets of the "curare" and how they hunt in the Amazon jungle with blowguns.

This is an opportunity we offer to those who love nature and want to live with an ancestral Amazonian community that refuses to disappear in the face of the threat of a globalized world, living in harmony with nature.

RATE: 2,160.00 USD min. 2 paxs


River and land transportation (private), complete meals, camping equipment, activities with the Huaorani warriors, cultural coexistence, rubber boots, purified water.


Entrance fee to the community (60.00 usd), tips. Air ticket (220.00 usd).


Huaorani Expeditions

  • (593 98) 4 024 404
  • (593 98) 8 425 559
  • Coca's city - Pto. Francisco de Orellana YASUNI National Park C.P. 220150 Hotel OASIS - Of 102

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